WindFloat Atlantic is a 25MW offshore floating wind farm located 20km off the coast of Viana do Castelo, Portugal. Commissioned in June 2020, the project is considered to be the world's first..
Deep Sea Mooring was contracted by Diamond Offshore (DODI) to provide mooring services for a three-well campaign to be undertaken by the MODU ‘Ocean Apex’ off the North West Australian coast in..
Senol handles large offshore projects from management and supply chain to interfacing with certification authorities. He loves finding solutions and wants to personally supervise all the steps in the project, to make..
Delmar Systems successfully completed the 200th mooring line release using RAR Plus Releasable mooring System (RMS) on Odfjell’s Deepsea Atlantic semi-submersible drilling rig in the Barents Sea.
A safe and efficient mooring of a rig in 2,300m of water by deploying a hybrid mooring system consisting of the rig’s self-contained eight conventional wire/chain/drag anchors combined with four insert polyester/chain/drag..
With hard bottom soil conditions and Exxon’s desire to use the mooring system on board the semi-submersible drilling rig Ocean Monarch as much as possible, Delmar Systems worked with Exxon’s technical group..
Deep Sea Mooring was contracted by Saipem to provide mooring services for a three-well campaign to be undertaken by the MODU ‘Scarabeo 7’ in the Makassar Strait, offshore Indonesia in water depths..
Deep Sea Mooring was contracted by Maersk Drilling (MD) to provide mooring services for a one-well campaign to be undertaken by the Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) ‘Mærsk Deliverer’ off the coast..
One day Delmar Systems received the inquiry to provide mooring technology that could potentially extend the drilling season West of Shetland in the UK North Sea and allow unmooring without assistance of..
Delmar Systems successfully completed an 8-line disconnect of the mooring system on Seadrill’s West Phoenix semi-submersible drilling rig on the UK Continental Shelf.