Risk Assessment and Mitigation
Delmar Systems performs site and facility-specific risk assessments for:
- Moored Floaters
- Hybrid Moored / Dynamically Positioned (DP) Floaters
- Dynamically Positioned (DP) Floaters
- Jack-Ups
Delmar’s risk assessments evaluate the risk of operations during various environmental conditions, including potential extreme events such as Tropical Rotating Storms (TRS – i.e. hurricanes, tropical cyclones, typhoons).
Moored risk assessments of vessels designed to ride out a storm event will evaluate the following:
- Probability of mooring line and/or anchor foundation failure
- Consequence of interaction / collision damage
DP and DP-moored floater assessments determine time to transit away from location versus storm arrival, including:
- Time to pull riser, secure the well, quick release moorings (if applicable), and outrun the storm
- Probability of getting caught by a hurricane or cyclone
- Consequence of getting caught
Jack-up risk assessments account for the site-specific probability and associated consequences of the following:
- Wind/wave overturn
- Sliding
- Punch-through
- Wave slamming
- Sufficient air gap calculations
Delmar’s proprietary ConStat™ program helps to evaluate and mitigate risk. The ConStat™ database includes the NOAA historical hurricane track for the Gulf of Mexico including the Caribbean, Central America, and North America. All of the tropical storms and hurricanes in the Atlantic from 1900–present day are built-in. Delmar also maintains a database for cyclones affecting Australia’s Northwest Shelf.
Delmar’s ConStat™ Risk program is the leading industry assessment tool used to evaluate the risk associated with Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) mooring locations during hurricane and cyclone seasons. ConStat™ was the first full MODU mooring risk assessment tool offered to the industry in the wake of hurricanes Ivan, Katrina, and Rita, and is constantly evolving since its inception from the 2007 MODU Mooring Risk Assessment JIP with updated regulations, industry best practices, metocean and infrastructure.
Constat™ has also been licensed to the US government for Gulf of Mexico mooring location approval.
ConStat™ contains several key features that make it the most sophisticated and widely utilized assessment tool available to the industry today including:
- Infrastructure Database
- Delmar Wind Field Modeler
- MODU Mooring Risk Assessment JIP Risk Model
- Historical Hurricane and Cyclone Database
- Delmar Gulf of Mexico Production Matrix