Most efficient anchor for preset mooring systems
As the most efficient anchor for preset mooring systems available today, the OMNI Max offers unique performance characteristics, as well as significant installation and recovery cost reductions, not found in other deepwater foundations. This gravity-installed anchor employs the same in-line holding power of a suction pile anchor at a fraction of the size and installation/extraction time, while allowing for significant true out-of-plane loading.
With the ability to preserve significant holding capacity at high mudline uplift angles and all horizontal directions (360° around the axis of the anchor), the OMNI Max delivers industry-first station-keeping reliability during all storm events. Due to the enhanced technology employed in this anchor, the OMNI Max penetrates deeper into the soil during extreme loading conditions, even in the event of multiple line failures. This helps damaged moorings survive longer because the load angle can change as needed without adverse effects to the foundation.