Delmar Systems and its partner CAN Systems undertook the complex tasks of designing and supplying the mooring system for Gastrade’s “Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) - the heart of the Independent Natural Gas System (INGS)”. Positioned in the Aegean Sea, this project not only transforms energy security in Greece but also contributes significantly to Balkan energy diversification, supporting the creation of a regional Natural Gas Hub. Delmar Systems’ responsibilities also included prelay supervision and managing hook-up operations.
Located approximately 10 km south of the coastline of Alexandroupolis, the FSRU is strategically placed in the sea of Thrace, about 17.6 km southwest of the town of Alexandroupolis in 40m water depth. The FSRU is equipped with a 153,000m3 membrane LNGC and a 24+4km 30” pipeline links it to the shore. Delmar Systems and CAN Systems were chosen as the Mooring suppliers providing the innovative and patented Restricted Catenary Mooring system, uniquely enabling unrestricted access for ship-to-ship loading, a variation from conventional spread mooring systems.

CAN Systems designed the mooring system for the FSRU. The Restricted Catenary Mooring (RCM) system is an innovative and cost-efficient solution, featuring a refined spread mooring with a bow mooring system, chain leg restrictor arrangement, and stern hold-back lines. The RCM’s prominent feature is the restrictor plates that keep the mooring lines at the bow and stern close together below keel level, ensuring uninterrupted access for Ship-to-Ship loading and reducing anchor loads. The 12-line mooring system is composed of four anchor clusters featuring STEVSHARK®REX anchors.

Off-vessel equipment included 14mT STEVSHARK®REX anchors, 100mm anchor chain, restrictors, 100mm restrictor chain, and 100mm top chains and all connectors. On-vessel equipment consisted of chain stoppers and all connectors. The project achieved the successful completion of all contract milestones ahead of schedule.

Our experienced personnel provided crucial installation support during mooring prelays. Acting as supervisor for the owner’s engineer, Delmar Systems’ expertise played a vital role in ensuring a smooth and successful installation process.
Delmar Systems’ project team defined the vessel resources, detailed vessel specific procedures, and mobilized the requisite installation aids in the months leading up to the hook-up. The Delmar Systems’ offshore team, consisting of FSRU bridge, FSRU deck and AHTS deck crews, completed the hook-up of the facility to the preset mooring system utilizing an anchor handling vessel and tug spread sourced locally as preferred by the client.

Client: Gastrade
Application: FSRU
Location: Aegean Sea, Greece
Water depth: 40m
Period: 2022-2023
Products: 12 x 14mT STEVSHARK®REX with 3.2mT ballast inside the fluke and special cutter points at the fluke tips, mooring chains, restrictors and chain stoppers.
Services: Mooring system design, project management for the moorings supply, prelay supervision and hook-up operations.